I decided to take a walk around a small shopping area just a few blocks down from the tiny apartment I'd been temporarily living in. There were a lot of people around. More people than I'd ever seen in one place before.
There was a lady pushing a blue stroller with one hand and holding a cup of coffee in the other. tons of brightly colored bags swung from her arms. They almost seemed to dance with the music of the street.
Stores full of expensive looking clothing and jewelry lined up around me in every direction. Girls laughing, babies crying, and yellow cabs honking filled my ears and disoriented me.
I nearly ran into an artist on the side of the street.
She had a canvas in front of her on which she seemed to be drawing a large red hand. On the floor next to her was a bag full of what looked like more red hands. Photographs, cutouts, collages, all of the same thing. I'd never seen anything like it. Next to the bag laid a small white book with large letters on it.
But before I could ask about her work, I heard a song playing right in front of me.
I stepped around a corner to find an open air restaurant playing beautiful music. The smell of shrimp and fish wafted out of it and pulled me in. I sat at the bar and was greeted by a woman in black clothes.
"Can I get you a drink, hun?"
I asked for a soda. It was a warm day, I was pretty thirsty.
As I sipped on my drink, my attention was stolen by a large group of people sitting across the way.
They were all holding colorful drink with wedges of all kinds of fruits on the rims.
They looked so happy to me. Carefree, drinking and smiling and talking of beautiful vacation spots that they planned to visit as soon as they had the money.
Paradise of the Pacific
I really like the sense of adventure in your post. I like the feeling of wandering and being in search of something but not knowing what it is. I think you do a really good job with the organization of your blog but I couldn't identify with the reference to the text. That was my one critisism is that was made just a little bit more clear. If I had to guess I would say it was "Heart of Darkness" because of the sense of venturing towards something, although the music is happy it seems to be the one thing pulling you in this piece. I do, however, love the connection with the previous blog. I think you do a great job connecting the two together in a way that doesn't over power your piece. I read through your other pieces and I was also able to tell that you have kept your theme relatively identifiable throughout each piece while still incorporating all the other blogs you have been interacting with. I like your choice of photos they add a lot more to your writing and put a picture in the mind of the reader of where you are without saying where you are and explaining the "red hands." My favorite thing about your blog is the description of the drinks and how you call them "happy" I thought that set the tone for the entire piece as more up beat and waderlust. You left me wondering why you didn't order one of those drinks. It was a great piece and I look forward to reading more!