Wednesday, November 20, 2013


It doesn't feel so weird anymore, living in such a big place. I've learned the streets forward and back. Well, for the most part. I've even started hanging out with a couple people from work. We went out for drinks a couple nights ago.

Actually they went out for drinks, I went out for awesome food and to steal a few sips of their beers and mojitos. I was the new girl in the group, they'd all known each other for months before I showed up. I almost felt like a little lion cub they'd adopted into their den.

I sat next to a girl with sunkissed skin and the bluest eyes who called herself KC (not Casey; K, pause, C), and a guy who worked in the cubicle next to mine. His name was Jordy. They got to talking to me about back home. Asked if I missed it and how I was adapting to the city. 

"I love it here but I still miss home sometimes," I said.

"Hon, home is wherever you're loved, don't you know that? I love your hair and your cute little accent. Jordy loves when you buy an extra Americano for him in the mornings. Sounds like you're doing just fine here."

And I guess she was right. I was managing to fit in, I barely missed my hometown anymore. I still missed Sam but we phoned each other all the time. She did always say I was too negative sometimes.

"Life isn't a Disney movie, chica. But if you let it, it could be way better."

1 comment:

  1. I wasn't sure how the story of my blog would end up panning out. It's hard to have all these ideas of what you may want to happen and not know which one you'll ultimately choose. But I'm happy with how my blog has ended up. There were definitely times where I was unsure of what to write and how to incorporate not only the other blogs but also some of our texts. However, I actually really like the effect that these incorporations created. I feel like they added some kind of depth to my story and also gave me new ideas of where the story was going. Having these requirements didn't limit me but instead broadened the possibilities for my blog altogether. It was really cool to see the other blogs as well and to see how creative some of my classmates could be. It inspired me to have more interesting ideas for my own blog. When we watched Exit Through the Gift Shop, we saw first hand how artists can be inspired by others. We learn to not like Mr. Brainwash because he is very unoriginal in his art. But although his art may go too far to be more of a copy of other's works, this experiment allowed me to see how borrowing from others and being inspired by others can actually work to our benefit.
